Well here is just a little about me in case you stubble upon this blog
I teach mathematics in Rwanda, that is in Africa, at an American accredited international school to a sweet bunch of 6th-9th graders (6th grade math, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra 1). They are the most wonderful melting pot of kids ever. Yes I do realize the projector is directly in my face for this picture. Story of my life
Before Rwanda I was in Ghana (Also in Africa) teaching grades 4-9 at an orphanage. You want to talk about crazy that was the definition of crazy.
back to the beginning...
I was born in the great state of Texas
I have a mom and dad who have been together forever and two brothers. Here is a picture of the crazy bunch. My family has a group chat going and it is centered around cute picture of my baby nephew. I am blessed immensely by each of these people.
I have husband of 2 years who is the most wonderful piece of man this planet has to offer.
I have a dog that barks so scary that people run away. Yet she is the most loving and precious dog. Her favorite things include dog food, toys, and walks. She is also good at hide and seek.
I graduated from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. I have a undergraduate degree in Middle School Education with a specialization in Math and Science.
Most importantly I gave my life to Jesus when I was going into the 6th grade. He redeemed me from the mess of who I was. I continue to be a mess in life but he continues to shower me in his grace and mercy.
I love food. I have developed a deep love for cheddar cheese since moving abroad ( where we don't have any), Coke, and a pack of Cheez-Its(don't have these either). I make most of our food from scratch because there isn't much processed food that you can buy. I love dessert of any kind.
I just absolutely love people.
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