Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Point-Slope Form, Parallel, and Perpendicular Lines Review

I am a sucker for any lesson Sarah Hagan. Everything she does is gold. I ran across a post when I was looking for point-slope form that she did. You can find it here:
I decided I would tweek it a little and give it a go. My kids just started slope and graphing and now I feel like they are almost done with it and didn’t get enough practice. I tried it with my 9th grade Algebra 1 kids first and it went wonderful. I only have 8 students and 2 were out sick. They could choose to stand or sit which really made them feel like they had choices and they were pretty excited about that.  They then rolled the dice which created either an equation or two sets of coordinates. I then had instruction on the board for what they were to do with the points they rolled.




Obviously it wasn’t anything fancy but it got them moving from one equation to the next and got them to discuss what steps were needed to get to the step asked for.

Since it was their own numbers they rolled it got them excited and they were all discussing as a group, solving and asking questions to each other. They were helping each other problem shoot to get where they needed to go. They encouraged one another. They were working great together and higher level critical thinking is a struggle sometimes for them but they were doing so well! For my 8th grade Algebra 1 class I have 17 students. We formed a huge circle and did the same thing as before. This time they only discussed with the 2 or 3 people surrounding them. It worked well and they had a blast but were a little too loud.

Things I would change:
 For the bigger class next time I would split them all up into groups of 4,5,or 6. This way they can interact and discuss with a group. 

Make a powerpoint that had what they were going to do on different slides, so that they focus on one goal at a time. This would keep them all on the same page until I made sure they all had it before we moved on. Instead I jumped around on the last page so they didn’t know what to do next and would wait until I gave further instructions. 

Good Things
 They were really engaged in the review. I think it was good for them to move from one equation to the next and figure out which equation would be best for what information was given.

They really loved the big dice. I was able to find 4 from the primary teachers. 

Just a new set up of desks really spurred on discussion and added to the excitement 

Engaging and we could have gone on forever changing and molding the equations. I wish my classes were longer so we could have graphed more or drawn equations from a graph already drawn

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